EVERTON RICHARDS: aiming for the stars

Everton Richard’s journey in the hospitality industry began as a pool attendant and waiter at Fern Hill Club, Portland.

“I worked there for three years, my job was to clean the swimming pool and since I was living in the compound, I used to double up as a waiter.”

Richards moved to Kingston and later joined Hilton Kingston, in 2001 as a security officer. His experience in Fern Hill came handy here, when a vacancy for Bellman arose in 2003; he applied for the position immediately.

He likes his job and looks forward to meeting new guests every day. “As bellman my job entails assisting the guests with check in, taking them to their rooms and introducing them to the hotel,” Richards explained.

A Seventh Day Adventist by faith, Richards was born and brought up at Ft. George, St. Mary near Annotto Bay. “I went to St. Mary Technical High School where I learnt the skill of Electrical Installation,” he tells Hospitality Jamaica.

“It was a very nice, but a very small community, so I had to move out to grow,” he said as he spoke of his journey in the industry.

Guests, greeted by Richards’ smile as they enter the hotel lobby, give high regard to the service he offers. He describes himself as easy going. He is always immaculately dressed and readily offers his assistance to all guests.

Presented with the Brand Standard Award in 2004, Richards said, “Everyday is a new day. I meet many people, some experiences are good some are bad, but one has to take things in stride.”

He said that he is friendly and respectful to the guests, “Each guest is a celebrity and I would like to treat them accordingly.”

The bellman says he is has gotten the opportunity to meet celebrities. “I am a big fan of 50 Cents, and I got to see him; I was very happy,” Richards recounted.

“I wanted to get his autograph but he was surrounded by big bodyguards.”

Since joining Hilton, he has taken the opportunity to upgrade his skill sets. “I always try to attend internal and external training,” he said.

He enjoys reading, surfing the net, listening to music and working out.

The person he admires and really wants to meet is United States President, Barak Obama.  “He (President Obama) came from such humble beginnings and rose to the top, which is simply beyond words.”

His hope is attain those heights, a journey he said has already begun.



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