Toxic Ash: A Caribbean time bomb Part 1 - Something happened in Arroyo Barril
By Omar Alfonso
Eight years have passed but Amparo Andújar Maldonado does not
forget. She lost her first child while she was approaching the fifth month of
her pregnancy.
Nor does she erases from her mind giving birth to a disfigured
fetus, with cranial malformation, something incomprehensible for a healthy 27
year old woman, counting with quality prenatal care.
But Amparo was not alone. From 2005 to 2008, the rate of
miscarriages and premature births rose suddenly in the Encantado neighborhood
of Arroyo Barril, a working-class rural and coastal town, north of the
Dominican Republic. An area rich in natural treasures such as the Bay of
Samaná, global sanctuary for humpback whales.
Amaparo’s friend, Rosa María Andújar, also fell into
statistics. She gave birth to a child with exposed intestines and six fingers
and toes. The newborn died not far from birth, in June 2008.
Months later, another neighbor, Maribel Mercedes, gave birth to
Siamese twins that also died in a short time. Five babies were born with
omphalocele or exposed intestines, between August and November of that year, in
neighboring districts Los Róbalos, La Pascuala and Gri-Gri. Only one of them
When asking Andújar Maldonado what explanation sanitary
authorities gave about her case and
about the unusual repetition of similar cases in the region, her answer was
simple: "None".
Amaparo’s house is located less than half a kilometer from the
dock and during the pregnancy she would regularly go to the beach “to get some
"I think it was because of that", she added.
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Photos by Gary Gutiérrez: Amparo Andújar Maldonado |
Since the year 2002, the company AES has generated between 400
and 1,600 daily tons of this waste while producing the electricity it sells to
the Puerto Rico Power Authority (PREPA) and, by a contract with the government,
it bound itself to export the waste for which it did not find commercial
Neighbors and ex-employees from the Dominican port acknowledged
that an undetermined amount of that ash material, identified by locals as
“rockash”, ended up in the sea. When this happened, it was common to encounter
dead fish banks
in the coast.
"The water that came down would kill the fish",
Miguel Ángel Paredes Jiménez assured. He was the security chief at the Arroyo
Barril port in the year 2004.
Part of the ashes, they assured, were also dragged for months
by the coastal breeze to nearby communities, agricultural land and to the
mountains of the town.
A sample analysis conducted by the Institute of Chemistry at
the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo released in April 2004, certified
that the waste brought from Puerto Rico was loaded with heavy metals.
Specifically, they identified levels of beryllium, vanadium and cadmium “exceeding
the levels of international standards". Also high concentrations of
The Technical University of Delft, in the Netherlands,
describes beryllium as one of the "most toxic known" elements in the
world since "it can be very harmful when inhaled by humans" and may
"increase the chances of developing cancer and DNA damage.” In addition,
it can accumulate in the air, soil and water.
By 2005, about 1,600 families lived in the village of Arroyo
Barril and nearly 40 percent of them lacked aqueducts so they went to nearby
rivers and springs for drinking water and basic needs. Today a minority
continues the same practice.
The alert caused by the rise in miscarriages in those years was
such that regional leaders of the Ministry of Health adopted an extraordinary
"We asked the women of age to prevent pregnancy for a
while, because there were many abortions," recalled Dr. Rosa Domingo
Maleno, who since 2004 occupies the position of Provincial Director of Health
in Samaná region, to which Arroyo Barril is assigned.
Domingo Maleno could not provide figures of registered
miscarriages during those years.
"The land is
Facing one of the gorges of the Encantado neighborhood, and
passing the dirt road leading to Amparo’s home, lives Concepción García Bueno,
a strong farmer who can no longer do his job.
Surrounded by neighbors, he explained that since the arrival of
rockash in the Arroyo Barril dock, fruit trees are no longer productive and assured
that the plantains, orange, grapefruit, pigeon peas and avocado no longer grow
in his orchard.
"Here in our territory you can ask around if anyone can
bring you an orange or a grapefruit. It doesn’t exist; there are none. And
that's because of this epidemic," he said referring to the mountains of
"The leaves have dried and fallen. They are disappearing.
The land here in our territory, doesn’t produce them. The soil is affected,
it's polluted," he said.
"Had you noticed a similar problem before?” he was
"Never, never. (We had not had) any epidemics. Thereafter,
it has been a disaster," he said. "But we are already contaminated
and there is no way out of this evil”.
Since the arrival of rockash, he added, the soil that for
decades gave food to his family and neighbors was transformed. Now they are
forced to buy legumes, fruits and vegetables from farmers or sellers from other
How could the fields of Arroyo Barril be contaminated with ash
waste if the mountains of waste were in the dock? García Bueno gave a quick and
clear answer: through the sea breeze.
"My mother’s house is half a kilometer away from where
they deposited that mineral and they had to be cleaning all the time. It was
like a powder, the one they use for babies," he said.
But the propagation of the ashes had other underpinning.
As described by Jose Eligio García Jiménez, a religious leader
and veteran tourist carrier of the Province of Samaná, a few months after the
arrival of rockash, hundreds of people came to the dock Arroyo Barril to load
cargo of the coal ash to their homes, relying on public notices of the Ministry
of Environment and Natural Resources, as well as assertions from port
Both sources said that the material could be used for
construction and flooring.
That’s why, García Jiménez said it was not unusual to see
carpets of ashes at the entrances and courtyards of homes even in distant
locations from the port as the municipalities of Sánchez and El Limón, located
more than 20 kilometers from the port.
"Many people came to load (the ashes) in trucks to throw
in front of their yard because it was something that looked nice, like a white
sand, something pretty. And that was the curse," he said.
"Then all those people came in sick. All of them", he
Among other symptoms, the driver said that "first, the
children and then, adults" began to manifest bone pain, fever, swelling in
the body and itching or hives. Unlike diseases such as dengue fever, common in
tropical areas, the symptoms persisted and lasted for months.
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Neighbors emphasized that since coal ashes arrival to Arroyo Barril agriculture has been drying out, forcing them to depend on farmers and distributors from other localities |
María Andújar Mercedes, another neighbor of the dock, added that
families who used rockash as construction material also used it to cover the
floors of their kitchens because it is common in the area to have dirt floor
kitchens separated from the houses.
Even the coconuts were
Among those who raised the voice of alarm figured Eugenio Andújar
Maldonado, the current president of the Neighbors United for Peace of Arroyo
Standing in front of the Nagua Samaná highway, the main artery
of the place, Andújar looked at coconut palms and pointed to them as a first
indicator that something strange was happening.
"Many coconut trees were damaged, that is, they
dried," he recalled.
In Arroyo Barril, as in the rest of the Province of Samaná,
economic activity is centered on tourism, fishing and agriculture. In the
latter, the main agricultural product was the coconut as certified by the
Ministry of Agriculture of Samaná.
The community leader also warned that since the coal ash spill
local production of yams, cassava, plantain, grapefruit and avocado inexplicably
dwindled "up to 70 percent". Drought is a recent phenomenon and other
sources of pollution that can damage soil do not exist near Arroyo Barril.
As an example, he stated that the nearest landfill located is
15 kilometers from the town; the processing plant of gold Cotuí is 200
kilometers away; and the nearest cement plant is situated in the Province of
Santiago, "260 kilometers from here".
In his own flesh
Dr. Eduardo Ortiz Mejías, then assigned to the Primary Care
Unit of Arroyo Barril, also remembers precisely these incidents some of which
caught the public attention.
In fact, the doctor not only certified that the frequency of
miscarriages and births of children with deformities was atypical in Arroyo
Barril between 2005 and 2008 but narrated how he was surprised with the news of
the loss of his firstborn in January 26, 2006.
"That was the first child. She became pregnant in December
and in January 26 even though we took all the preventive measures she lost the baby,"
he said. His wife was eight weeks into gestation.
The doctor, now active in the Leopoldo Pou Hospital at Samaná
Province, explained that this was the first and only time in their family
histories that such a tragedy occurred.
He confessed that accepting and assimilating it was difficult.
As a man of science, it has been challenging to find an
explanation to what happened. But he recognizes that something was happening in
Arroyo Barril and moved away from there in 2005.
"I come from a contaminated town, completely polluted,
called San Pedro de Macoris, a province where there are many free trade zones
and there is a very broad environmental impact. But when I am there, in San
Pedro, I don't see the diseases that I've seen there," he said.
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Dr Eduardo Ortiz Mejías |
"We also had children who were born without the two
extremities. This condition is called Amelia," he added.
The problem, however, is complicated because in his opinion the
incidence of these cases persists.
"We've had the bad luck that we do not know anymore when
the pregnant women (in Arroyo Barril) will give birth. What is the cause? We do
not know," he said.
"They just say 'it is God's destiny' 'it had to happen',
but if a thorough investigation is done I think we can come down to the real
reasons," the doctor continued .
The study would indicate whether Arroyo Barril has been
contaminated by toxics and the origin. In addition, it would shed light on the
possible presence of heavy metals in the blood of residents and in water and
agricultural lands of the municipality.
This request is supported by Dr. Nabal Ireon Báez Beevers, Area
Manager of Health at the Province of Samaná, who said that the landing of
rockash never should have happened, let alone in such an area which is close to
populated communities. "That is a toxic," he said.
Exposure to toxic chemicals, the International Federation of
Gynecology and Obstetrics has said, is a problem that threatens human
reproduction "disproportionately among the poor."
For example, in 2015 it concluded that "miscarriages,
stillbirths, impaired fetal growth, congenital malformations, alteration or
reduction of neural development and cognitive function" are some of the
effects on reproductive health related to exposure to chemicals and air
pollutants products.
The group representing gynecologists and obstetricians from 125
countries also ruled that negligible exposures to heavy metals during the
prenatal period may interfere with the development of a child "triggering
adverse health consequences that may manifest through the life expectancy”.
A thorough investigation on this topic could materialize soon
in Arroyo Barril if the claims of a prolonged legal battle against AES Puerto
Rico and its parent company, AES Corporation, are supported by the court, said
Báez Beevers.
The civil lawsuit filed by lawyers representing about twenty
residents of Samaná was presented in 2009 before the Superior Court of
Delaware. The case is alive and proposes that the 27 thousand tons of coal ash
discharged in Arroyo Barril were toxic and sickened people in the area.
The Center for Investigative Journalism learned that last
February 6 AES Corporation attorneys met at a hotel in Santo Domingo with the
plaintiffs and their lawyers, and presented an economic proposal to end the
trial in an attempt to settle the case. This happened after the Center conducted
on site interviews related to this investigation.
The plaintiffs rejected the offer of AES so the case under the
consideration of the presiding judge of the Superior Court of Delaware, Jan R.
Jurden, continues.
Manuel Mata, chief executive of AES Puerto Rico, did not agree
to be interviewed by the Center for Investigative Journalism.
The story repeats at the
Another witness to what happened with the ashes is the lawyer
and current Deputy Attorney General of the Attorney General of the Dominican
Republic, Ramón Madera Arias.
But his awareness of rockash didn’t happen in Samaná. It was in
the province of Montecristi, located on the northwestern tip of the Dominican
Republic, at the border with Haiti, where the company Trans-Dominican
Development unloaded 30,000 tons of coal ash in 2003 that were discarded by AES
in Guayama, Puerto Rico.
As stated in the official permit issued by the Ministry of
Environment and Natural Resources of the country in 2003, the mountains of ash material
brought to the port of Manzanillo would be used to expand its cargo area.
However, Madera Arias, then Attorney General for Environmental
Defense, warned that the tons of compacted ashes had been discharged less than
100 meters from the beach and the adjacent wetland was disappearing.
"Some mangroves were there. That was a very green area and
it started to dry, to deteriorate, and to damage," he described. "And
a dust polluting the air was flying around."
In a previous conversation, the journalist Arsenio Cruz from
the El Caribe daily newspaper had notified Madera Arias that a coal ash cloud
had flooded the town of Manzanillo and that "everyone is choking; they
can't take it."
"People couldn’t lie down in their homes, because even the
blankets, the bed, was been filled with that dust. It had penetrated (the
homes), it had flown with the breeze," he recalled.
Reacting to the allegations, Madera Arias rushed to the scene,
confirmed the facts and presented a ruling which ordered the immediate cease of
activities associated with ash handling. He also banned the import of that
waste as another shipment was on its way.
This, however, did not stop the wave of bad health which
affected much of the 10,000 residents of the municipality, now known under the
name of Pepillo Salcedo.
"In Manzanillo, more than 90 percent of the people had
welts, itching, skin diseases," he said. "If you talked to 100 people
in the town, 80 or 90 would have the symptoms... but the same happened in
Carbonera, which is two or three kilometers," he said.
The explanation offered by Madera Arias is that Carbonera
receives the sea breeze directly from Manzanillo.
Another tragedy, the official regretted, was that "10 to
12 people who were healthy and young" were diagnosed with cancer.
"Skin cancer and lung cancer." The victims were all known to Madera
Arias given that he is a native of the province.
In the second part of the
series, we inquire about what happens in Puerto Rico, where it the government
just legalized this toxic ash disposal.
Toxic Ash:
A Caribbean time bomb is
the result of collaboration between the Center for Investigative Journalism and
La Perla del Sur newspaper, through a special grant of environmental journalism
awarded by "Para la Naturaleza". See the complete series with its
graphics and interactives in
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