Jasmine Thomas-Girvan - 2012 Aaron Matalon Awardee

For her work 'Dreaming Backwards' and 'Occupy' (Alchemy of Promise) Jasmine Thomas-Girvan, jeweller and sculptor, was awarded the 2012 Aaron Matalon Award.
Jamaica-born Thomas-Girvan was born 1961. She attended the Parsons School of Design in New York. She has also made a number of public commissions, one of which was presented to the Queen of England. Her work has been exhibited in the United States, Jamaica, Trinidad, Venezuela and Mexico, and she recently had a solo exhibition, titled Resonance, at Hi-Qo Gallery in Kingston. She currently lives and works in Trinidad.

"Over time my work has been expanding in scale and so one of the pieces is a wall piece 10 feet long, titled 'Dreaming Backwards'. This piece brings together many of the recurring themes in my work, referencing our collective history/memory, and is realised in materials which are environmentally relevant [such as a palm frond, bird feathers and man-made found objects]," she informed in a recent interview about her work in the 2012 National Biennial.
" The second piece traverses the defined boundaries of jewellery and sculpture [and] is titled Alchemy of Promise. It is crafted in local mahogany and bronze with wearable [jewellery accents] and jumbie beads. It represents a meditation on the way forward," stated Thomas-Girvan.


  1. Totally love Jasmine Thomas-Girvan's pieces. They are excitingly different and phenomenally exquisite. Great post.


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